Service de remplacement – Providing temporary manpower for the French farmers

In Case Studies


Service de remplacement is a French nation-wide network of associations providing a service of replacement for human resources in agriculture companies.

The project

Replacement of an old desktop application used by some associations and limited to the handling of the replacements, by a centralized web-based solution integrating all the back-end features (invoicing, accounting, financial reporting, payroll, ...)

The new system is divided into 2 Odoo instances (with some synchronizations between them): one for back-office features (used by the administrative staff), one playing the role of a marketplace (for the connection between the farmers and the temporary workers).

Main features and customizations

  • Tailor-made Replacement Management System

  • Development of a sophisticated interactive booking chart widget to easily visualize the planning of the replacements

  • Multi-companies implementation with several hundreds of companies

  • Payroll fully compliant with French labor code

  • Deployment on a load-balanced multi-nodes platform

  • Generation of notifications by SMS

  • Integration with an SSO (LemonLDAP) to have a unified authentication system with several other applications (extranet, e-learning platform, forums,...)

  • Integration with Coffreo (digital safe for human resources documents)

Some figures

  • 500 associations

  • 39,000 member companies

  • 13,000 temporary workers

  • 600,000  working days replaced

(figures from 2011)



Service de remplacement




1000+ over ? entities

No. of users


Go-live date

January 2014

Implementation project

400 man-days over
12 months (phase 1)

200 man-days over
9 months (phase 2)

The apps we implemented




